
Thursday 13 October 2016

Borage (Prunus spinosa)


This darling blue-flowered herb is a tonic for a saddened heart and adept at dispelling melancholy and strengthening ones resolve.  Both the leaves and the flowers are known to stimulate the release of epinephrine, which is the ‘courage’ hormone and therefore arms the body to handle stress.

«     Borage seed oil is the home of gammalinolenic acid (GLA) and this acid can ease many conditions including: eczema, irritable bowel issues, bloodflow, arthritis and menopausal symptoms; not to mention, being helpful in diminishing the effects of a hangover. The leaves can be consumed but in moderation.
«     For depression and/or insomnia, borage can help relieve the mind… create a borage infusion, this can be taken 3 times a day.
«     A cold/cough can be eased by making a Borage Cough Syrup (see recipes)

Borage Infusion
    1.          Add 1 tsp of dried borage or 2 tsp of fresh to a cup of boiled water.
    2.        Steep for ten minutes before straining.
    3.        This creates one serving/dose

Borage Cough Syrup
    1.          Double the recipe for a Borage Infusion and steep in a pint of boiled water for ten minutes.
    2.        Add in 2-4 teaspoons of honey or raw sugar and stir until syrupy.
    3.        This can be refrigerated for up to a week.

Lore & Tradition
        «     According to Pliny, the Roman historian, the ancient Romans used this herb to lift their spirits and raise confidence.
          «     To aid in raising courage, crusaders drank ‘stirrup cups’ cotaining borage flowers and leaves when they took on lengthy voyages.
         «     To ease skin conditions, juice a handful of borage leaves and dilute the juice 50:50 with warm water.  This wash can then be applied to the affected areas.
«     Borage Tea made from the fresh flowers acts as an enhancement of psychic abilities.
«     Place borage under your bed to aid astral travel in dreams
«     Flowers and leaves can be dried and used in incense to help cleanse oneself of negative thoughts or to encourage forgetfulness in traumatic situations.
«     Make a floorwash from a combination of borage, periwinkle, rosemary and forget-me-nots to bring harmony and balance to the home – Hoodoo.
«     Borage incense is credited with the ability to dispel ill-humour and soothe a weary soul – Shamanism.
«     Use in blessing and warding practices; due to the soothing quality of borage, it makes for a fantastic ingredient for reconcilliations and to promote peace.
«     Making a gris-gris or ju-ju bag containing borage will help attract amiable companions and good friends to the bearer.